


The Evolution of Ippen’s Ideas


Ippen’s theory of the nembutsu and his theory of birth in the Pure Land that have been discussed to this point should not be considered two separate things. We should see that ultimately , as reverse sides of the same theory , they have a consistent structure.  The nembutsu is the spoken name that is surrendered to your mouth , and the nembutsu of each present moment , one after another , is simultaneously the nembutsu of the moment of death. It is not that your mind actually exists.  Rather , it is that your own self has become a buddah.  That Hozo of ten eons past became a buddha appears to have already been completed in the past , but that which completes it is nothing other than the spoken name voiced by ordinary foolish people in the present moment.  In this way it was Ippen who further developed Shoku’s teaching that the moment of death and ordinary life are the same , and who thoroughly explored the idea of other-power .

(Ippen       210ページ)

