In this way , the culmination of Pure Land teachings is found in thoroughly pushing to its extreme the concept other-power. “What is called other-power is becoming the Buddah in only a single moment” (Banshu hogoshu 51) . As this passage indicates , because the spoken name is the Namu Amida Butsu of the “single moment of the present ,” this is the realm of the absolute. It is also the realm of joy that actualizes the “here” and “now ,” In the history of Buddhism , this was an enormous development in Pure Land teachings that took place in the Kamakura period and after , and it was supported by the theory of time in Mahayana Buddhism.
(Ippen 216ページ)
かくして浄土教の結実は他力を徹底的に推し進め、「唯一念、仏になるを他力といふなり」 (『播州法語集』五一)という言葉に示されるように、「只今の一念」の南無阿弥陀仏の称名による絶対の世界であり、「今」・「ここ」に実現する歓喜の世界であったと言えるだろう。そしてそれは仏教の歴史においては、大乗の時間論に支えられた浄土教の鎌倉最後の大展開であったと言えるだろう。